Thursday, March 13, 2014

What was the League’s role to help?
Because Finnland and Sweden couldn’t decide, in 1921 they asked the League of Nations for help,  the League came to a decision, and that was that the islands should keep belonging to Finnland. Although, the League had one condition for that, this was that there should be no weapons kept in the territory. This mean that the islands had to be demilitarized[I].

Which means that they were not allowed to have any military troops or any weapons.  Both countries, Finland and Sweden, accepted that condition. This decision was made in 1921, and is still like that now-a-days.

The League remained alert in every part of the Aaland Islands crisis in 1921. This strategy worked out the crisis and gave the League an unusual success. Finnland and Sweden stayed calm the one to the other after that.

[I] To remove or forbid military troops in an area.

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